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Understand factors affecting your access to New Relic

There are several factors that can affect your access to a New Relic feature, or New Relic data.

User permissions

User-related settings can impact what features or data you have access to. If you think your user permissions are preventing you from accessing something, talk to your New Relic administrators.

Potential factors that can affect access include:

Account access

If you're logged in but can't find an expected account or UI page, it may be because you're in the wrong account in your organization. Some tips to troubleshoot this:

  • If your organization has multiple accounts and you have access to those accounts, you can switch to another account by going to the account switcher at the top left of most UI pages.
  • If you check the account switcher and can't see the account you're looking for, it may be for one of these reasons:

Related docs:

Entity not found

Sometimes you may have a link to a New Relic UI page that results in a message like "The entity you’re looking for either doesn’t exist or isn’t associated with your account." This may be for one of a few reasons:

Billing-related factors

We have two pricing models available, and this can impact feature availability. Pricing plans:

  • Our New Relic One pricing model: This newer pricing model gives users broad cross-platform access. For this pricing model, the main factors affecting access are your organization's edition and a user's permissions.
  • Our original product-based pricing model: This plan separates our offerings by product. If you’re on this plan, access to some features may depend on the products you pay for.

We also have several pricing editions: Standard, Pro, and Enterprise.

Learn more about our pricing models.

Data retention

Different types of New Relic data have different data retention periods. Once data has passed a given data retention point, it may be deleted or be aggregated for longer term storage. For details, see Data retention.

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