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New Relic One pricing model details

This is an explanation of the New Relic One pricing model, which is a usage-based model that bills on data ingest and your number of billable users.

New Relic has two pricing models. Not sure which model you're on? See Overview of pricing.

How New Relic One pricing works

Our New Relic One pricing model is meant to be simple and to provide a lot of value even when you're using New Relic for free. Our pricing model bills on these factors:

  • Your ingested data. We bill on data ingested, no matter the type, making your billing easy to understand. 100 GBs per month is free. US$0.25 per GB ingested above that.
  • Your billable user count. Core users and full platform users are billable. Basic users are free. Your per-user cost depends on your pricing edition (Standard, Pro, or Enterprise). Standard edition includes one free full platform user.

For an overview of New Relic One pricing and more details about what the different editions get you, see our main pricing page.

Core users release

On January 12, 2022, we released a new version of New Relic One pricing with a new user type (the core user) and a different way of calculating billable users. For more on this release, see Core users release.

View usage in the UI

For how to find billing and usage information in the UI, see Billing-related UI.


If you’re on our original user model, see some considerations for managing billable users.

Data ingest calculation

Want to understand how data ingest is calculated? See Data ingest calculation.

Want to manage your data? See Manage data.

User count calculation

To learn how billable users are calculated, see User count calculation.

Usage plans and billing scheduling

When you’re on New Relic One pricing, you can have one of two usage plans that dictate how billing is scheduled:

  • Pay-as-you-go: This usage plan bills at the end of each calendar month. There are no commitments and you can cancel at any time. When you input your credit card and start your subscription, your first end-of-month bill includes billable usage starting from the time you input your credit card.
  • Annual pool of funds: This usage plan is for longer-term contracts (for example, a year-long contract, or longer). New Relic makes an estimate of your future usage and applies an upfront payment (a “pool of funds”) towards that usage.

For more about how these options can affect your user downgrade rules, see Downgrade rules.

What can you get for free?

If your organization is on New Relic One pricing and on the Standard pricing edition, you can use New Relic free, forever, if you stay under the free allowed limits. Here's a summary of what you’re able to get for free:

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