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.NET agent v 6.11.613.0

May 4, 2017Download

New Features

  • A new configuration option to supply a proxy URI path has been added to the newrelic.config file. See proxy-uripath.


  • Resolved issue where service.request parameters, if present, were being transmitted to New Relic as part of an error analytics event.
  • Fixed issue that could cause a SerializationException and cause metrics to be dropped.
  • Fixed bug that would cause performance degradation for deeply nested segments.
  • Fixes issue where scoped metrics would be dropped from an initial custom transaction when a second custom transaction was created. Impacts transaction created using the BackgroundThreadTracerFactory or the OtherTransactionWrapper via XML.
  • Setting slowSql in newrelic.config to 'false' will now turn off slow SQL traces in the agent. This setting defaults to true. Server configuration values for this setting will override the value in the newrelic.config file.
  • Removed the generation of unscoped metrics in cases where a transaction was not available. The generation of these metrics has been found to have a noticeable negative performance impact, particularly to low-latency/high-throughput applications. This impact typically shows up as a drop in throughput and higher CPU overhead. The vast majority of these metrics are not visible unless added to a custom dashboard. Datastore and External metrics, however, were visible on their respective pages and will no longer be displayed unless associated with a transaction.
  • Fixed an issue when end-user monitoring is enabled that could cause some UTF-8 characters to get corrupted.
  • The .NET agent now sends up the databaseDuration and externalDuration attributes when the value is 0.


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