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Browser agent v1026

March 20, 2017


The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.


  • Adjusted PageAction limits: Previously, we limited PageAction events to 120 per page load and only 20 events per harvest cycle, resulting in dropped data if a user sent more than 20 pageAction events in a single burst. Increasing the harvest time to 30 seconds also increases the event buffer, allowing users to send up to 60 events per harvest.
  • Improved time measurement: Previously, the agent used the system clock to calculate timing, and since the system clock may shift over the lifecycle of a page, the agent could occasionally report inaccurate or unexpectedly negative values. Going forward, the agent will use perfomance.now(), which is a monotonically increasing clock that starts from navigationStart. This change will result in more accurate timing for modern browsers.

Bug fixes

  • Preserve event listeners: Previously, if the agent doesn't load correctly it affected the functionality of add- and removeEventListener. These will now function the same whether the agent loads or not.

How to upgrade

To upgrade your agent to the latest version, see Upgrade Browser agent.

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